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Fat Transfer In Sydney, New South Wales

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The Natural Answer to Body Contouring

Do you have little problem areas that you can’t seem to correct?

Perhaps your breasts are out of balance or your face looks hollow. Or maybe your legs or feet just don’t seem to have enough padding. Fat transfer surgery uses fat from other parts of your body to restore and balance these potential issues.

Dr Joseph Rizk in Sydney has years of experience helping men and women touch up their appearance through fat transfer surgery. This procedure can be very helpful when people have small changes they want to make to complete their ideal look and feel. Since it uses only tissue your body already has, it can be a natural, safer alternative to more extensive surgery.

What is Fat Transfer Surgery?

Fat transfer is the process of using your own fat to fill in other places that are lacking. It is most commonly encountered in breast augmentation procedures but can be used in many applications. Some of the procedures where a fat transfer is used can include:

Yes, at Rizk Plastic surgery in Sydney fat transfer can be used on virtually every part of the body, including your feet. Because it uses only fat that is already part of your body, it’s the organic, natural way to fix body issues.

Sydney Fat Transfer patient wearing white bikini

Benefits of Fat Transfer Surgery

There are numerous benefits to fat transfer surgery. The procedure is incredibly versatile and can be used in many situations as a natural alternative to implants.

While implants run the risk of rejection because they are a foreign object in the body, fat transfer avoids this problem by using only your body’s own tissue. Fat transfer can’t make wholesale changes to your appearance, but it is a great choice when the changes desired are relatively minor. It works best when the idea is to smooth out a look or fill in places where tissue has atrophied or been reabsorbed by the body. As a bonus, the fat transfer procedure moves fat from one part of your body that has excess, usually the belly, hips, buttocks, or thighs. That means — depending on the amount of fat harvested — you can get a smoother, slimmer look in one place while making another place look fuller and more natural.

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Am I a candidate for Fat Transfer Surgery?

Candidates for fat transfer surgery are usually in good health otherwise. This means that they don’t have any serious medical issues, like heart disease, diabetes, or cancer.

They also don’t have any infections or a history of infections. Good candidates are also non-smokers and have good skin elasticity which makes it easier to recover and allows for the best possible results. They also are at or very near their ideal weight, and have healthy, realistic expectations for their procedure.

If you are interested in fat transfer Sydney plastic surgeon Dr Joseph Rizk recommends that you seek out a second opinion from another qualified healthcare provider before undertaking any cosmetic procedure. In accordance with the National Law and Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) guidelines, any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks, so a second opinion is advised.

Fat Transfer

The extent and goals of your procedure will determine exactly what your procedure will look like. Dr Rizk will work with you to fully customize your procedure to your situation and needs. In general, a fat transfer can be done as an outpatient procedure in his Sydney plastic surgery clinic, which means you’ll be home on the same day.

For a typical fat transfer surgery, Dr Rizk will begin by harvesting the fat for the transfer. He will apply a topical or regional anesthetic to the donor area and use liposuction to remove the fat. He’ll make small incisions in the area, insert a small tube called a “cannula,” and use a suction machine to draw the fat out. In some cases where only small amounts of donor fat are needed, this can be done with a syringe.

The harvested fat is then processed and purified. Once the donor fat has been prepared, Dr Rizk will then inject that fat into the targeted area. Usually, he’ll do several injections around the site to ensure the fat is evenly distributed and leaves a natural look. Any incisions or injection sites will then be closed and/or bandaged and the process is complete.

Sydney fat transfer patient hold her breasts in a black bra

Fat Transfer Surgery Recovery

The recovery process from fat transfer surgery will completely depend on the extent and region affected by the procedure. Typically, you can expect some swelling, tenderness, and bruising at or around the liposuction and injection sites. Any pain can usually be managed with over-the-counter medication, but Dr Rizk will prescribe anything stronger if needed.

You will need to be ready to protect and rest the parts of your body targeted by your procedure for a few weeks. Bandages will need to be replaced and any stitches will need to be cleaned periodically. Before you leave, Dr Rizk will provide you with all the aftercare instructions you need to avoid complications and promote a speedy recovery.

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Fat Transfer Surgery Results

You will notice a more full, healthy appearance in your treated areas once your recovery is complete.

Sunken or hollow areas will look filled out and have a natural feel. If a lack of fat in an area like the pad of your foot was causing discomfort, this should be gone once the swelling and tenderness have subsided. In some cases, your body may reabsorb the transferred fat.

So follow-up procedures may be necessary. Also, while fat transfer removes existing fat from donor sites, it can’t prevent the reaccumulation of fat in those areas. Maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine is key to maintaining your results long-term.

Consult Dr Joseph Rizk about Fat Transfer Surgery in Sydney

You can find out if fat transfer surgery is right for you by setting up a consultation with Dr Rizk’s clinic in Sydney. His staff of highly skilled professionals is ready to help you. All you have to do is complete the consultation request form on this page, or call us on 1300 707 007, during office hours Monday – Friday, 9.00 am – 5.00 pm.

Dr Rizk advocates the National Law and Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) guidelines that any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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Dr Joseph Rizk became Australasia’s plastic surgeon of the year by making sure that each patient is heard, respected, and treated well. His patient-first approach provides you with the accurate medical information you need to make informed decisions about your course of treatment. At the same time, he offers his decades of knowledge and experience to help you along your path.

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