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Skin RejuvenationIn Sydney, New South Wales

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New Skin Younger You

We all have things we don’t like about our skin.

It’s too dry or itchy. It’s too splotchy or rough. In any case, it doesn’t look the way it used to. But don’t worry — that’s where skin rejuvenation and resurfacing come to the rescue.

Dr Joseph Rizk has many years of training and experience in the latest methods available to get your skin looking young and healthy again. His clinic for plastic surgery in Sydney is outfitted with cutting-edge technology and he knows the most advanced techniques to combat the signs of ageing and make your skin look as young as you feel.

What is skin rejuvenation and resurfacing?

Our Sydney skin rejuvenation and resurfacing treatments aim to improve the overall appearance of your skin, including improving wrinkles and pigment changes.

There are many techniques available to achieve this, and Dr Rizk can help you find the right one for you. As your skin ages, it’s normal for it to lose some of the luster it once had. Time, activity, the sun, and the environment can take their toll on your body’s first line of defense. After a while, spots appear and your skin gets flaky and dehydrated.

You may be eating healthy and exercising regularly to stay in shape, but your skin can still make you look old and tired. Getting a skin resurfacing treatment fights back by removing the outer layer of skin to prompt your body to replace it with a new, more lustrous layer. It also promotes the production of new collagen which firms the skin and reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles.

Sydney skin rejuvenation model standing by a window running her hand through her hair

What are some types of treatments?

A number of methods can be used to treat your skin, each with its pros and cons. These techniques include laser and light therapies, chemical peels, and dermabrasion. Depending on your skin’s condition and the concerns you want to address, one treatment may work better for you than another.

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Am I a candidate for skin rejuvenation and resurfacing?

Skin rejuvenation treatments may be right for you if you’re in overall good health and don’t smoke. Good candidates will also understand their procedure well and have realistic expectations for their outcome.

If you have any serious medical conditions like diabetes or heart disease, let Dr Rizk know as these can cause complications. Also, if you take any medicines or supplements that can diminish or prevent blood from clotting, let Dr Rizk know.

Dr Rizk advocates the National Law and Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) guidelines that any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

Benefits of skin rejuvenation
and resurfacing

Skin resurfacing can help with a wide variety of skin conditions that irritate you or make you more self-conscious. Different techniques are used for different purposes, but in almost any skin situation, there’s a rejuvenation technique that can help.

If you have any skin condition like the following, a skin resurfacing treatment may be able to fix your situation:

  • Freckles
  • Sunspots
  • Rough spots
  • Dry patches
  • Loss of skin tone
  • Visible blood vessels
  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Scars, including from acne

During your consultation for skin rejuvenation Sydney plastic surgeon Dr Joseph Rizk will listen to your concerns with your skin and he will discuss which treatment options might be right for you.

How can I care for my skin and reduce the chance of early ageing?

Now that you’ve got younger-looking skin, you are probably wondering what you can do to keep it.

Ageing is due to thinning of the skin, loss of fat in normal places, gravity, genetics, and the sun. Ageing is reduced by reducing sun exposure, ceasing smoking, not drinking excessive alcohol, and having a good diet. Other things that are important are sleeping adequately and washing your skin.

Sydney skin resurfacing model running her hand through her hair

Your skin rejuvenation and resurfacing procedure

Your exact procedure will vary depending on the technique you and Dr Rizk choose to apply. Some of the procedures he offers include:

  • CO2 Fractional Laser: uses light pulses to remove the outer layer of skin, resulting in smoother, younger-looking skin
  • Chemical peels: uses acidic compounds to safely remove the top layer of your skin, promoting the growth of new skin

Dr Rizk has treated many cases using all of these methods, so you will be in good hands. Still, make sure to let him know if you have any questions or concerns so he can address them and put your mind at ease.

Your skin rejuvenation and resurfacing results

Once your recovery is complete, you will notice a clear difference from the condition your skin was in before your treatment. The discoloration will be reduced or gone completely. You should also notice your skin looking and feeling younger and firmer. Congratulations! You got your more youthful look back! Keep in mind that your results may take a few months to fully appear, so be patient. Continue to follow Dr Rizk’s aftercare instructions to not only see your results as soon as possible but to keep them as long as you can.

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Your recovery from skin rejuvenation and resurfacing

Your recovery time and aftercare process will entirely depend on the extent of the procedure you undergo.

In general, you can expect to see the signs of the surgery (redness, swelling) for a week or two, but final results may not fully appear for a few months. Before your surgery, Dr Rizk will explain what your recovery process should look like so you will know what to expect.

You will want to make sure to protect your skin from stress and sunlight as it heals. Bandages and medication can help with this, but moderating your activity and wearing clothing that keeps your skin out of the sun goes a long way to achieving optimal results.

Will I need time off work or out of the sun?

Time out of the sun for 2 days is recommended applying sunscreen, wearing a hat, and other protective clothing. Most occupations are okay to continue.

For deeper treatments like dermabrasion, deep laser, or stronger peels there may be mild discomfort and more redness and so time out of the sun till the skin repairs are required. Due to the redness and need for topical agents while the skin repairs many patients prefer to have time away from the public eye — this may be for a week or more. Strenuous activity and swimming should be avoided.

Sydney skin rejuvenation model with curly red hair and blue eyes

Are there creams and lotions that help?

The clinic will advise on which creams to use. They may include antibiotic ointment or something like Vaseline. You should also wear sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun.

Learn more about skin rejuvenation and resurfacing in Sydney in a consultation with Dr Joseph Rizk

Do you want to explore if skin resurfacing is the right treatment for you? Make an appointment with Dr Rizk and his team in Sydney today!

They are ready and waiting to talk with you about all of your options and the difference that skin rejuvenation can make in your life. All you need to do is complete the consultation form on this page, or call us on 1300 707 007during normal office hours, Monday – Friday, 9.00 am – 5.00 pm.

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Sydney Plastic Surgeon Dr. Joseph Rizk My Face my body 2020 Award Winner Logo

Dr Joseph Rizk became Australasia’s plastic surgeon of the year by making sure that each patient is heard, respected, and treated well. His patient-first approach provides you with the accurate medical information you need to make informed decisions about your course of treatment. At the same time, he offers his decades of knowledge and experience to help you along your path.

DOUBLE BAY, Suite 3.01, Level 3, 451 New South Head Road, Double Bay NSW 2028

STANMORE, SHOP 1, 2-6 Bridge Road, Stanmore NSW 2048