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Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation In Sydney, New South Wales

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Fat Transfer to breasts


Recent developments in breast fat grafting technology allow you to use your own body fat to increase your breast size by removing stubborn fat from your love handles or another part of the body and transfers it to your breasts.

Often people spend months and even years researching the best options for breast augmentation. However, a quick and thorough consultation with Dr Joseph Rizk will give you all the answers, and recommend the most suitable procedure for your circumstances and body type. Dr Rizk is an experienced Sydney plastic surgeon who specialises in breast reconstruction and fat transfer breast augmentation in Sydney.

What is Breast Fat Transfer?

Fat transfer breast augmentation is a new surgical technique that removes fat by liposuction from the patient’s body and transfers it to the breasts. It is also known as “breast fat grafting”, “autologous fat grafting”, or “organic breast augmentation”.

The fat is injected into the breasts to reshape and enlarge naturally without introducing foreign bodies like silicone implants. This produces breasts that look and feel completely natural and improves the body’s contour by reshaping your body.

At Rizk Plastic Surgery in Sydney fat transfer breast augmentation can be performed for:

Watch this short video

Dr Rizk explains more about breast fat transfer:

Sydney fat transfer breast augmentation patient

Benefits of Breast Fat Transfer

Fat transfer is quickly becoming a popular technique for both breast reconstructions and breast augmentations due to its advantages over the traditional approaches of implants and flap surgeries. Fat transfer to the breasts delivers:

  • A fast recovery.
  • Minimal scarring,
  • A natural look and feel, and
  • Liposuction of unwanted fat from problem areas.

Fat transfer breast augmentation can enhance the shape and size of your breasts while keeping a natural look. Meanwhile, moving fat from the belly, hips, legs, or another part of the body with excess fat to the breasts can be helpful in two ways: it balances out the breasts and gives them a more pleasing, symmetrical look, and it also slims the “donor” area, improving the contours of another part of your body at the same time.

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Breast Fat Transfer Vs. Breast Implant Surgery

Both breast fat transfer and breast implant surgery enhance the size, shape, and texture of the breasts. Implants can be used to increase your cup size more than fat grafting, but fat transfer gives the breasts a more natural feel. Organic augmentation’s advantages are mostly about reshaping the breasts rather than increasing size. Using both implant and fat transfer processes can lead to a more positive result overall in many cases.

In the case of women who have breasts that do not match in terms of size and shape, fat grafts can be used to improve symmetry. The difference in size and shape may be so small that only the woman herself notices it, but in some cases, the difference can be by one or more cup sizes. Dr Rizk explains more about the advantages and limitations of breast fat transfer and breast implant surgery in this short video.

Breast fat transfer

Breast enhancement via fat transfer is a safe and minimally invasive technique that gives natural results.

Because each woman’s body is unique, the exact process used may vary in each case. When you come for fat transfer breast augmentation Sydney award-winning plastic surgeon Dr Joseph Rizk will work with you to customise your process to meet your specific needs and goals. In some cases, the surgeon may recommend that you employ what is called a “tissue expansion” system before your surgery. This process seeks to stretch the skin and tissue in your breasts to better prepare them to receive the fat transfer.

Tissue expansion can involve wearing a specialized bra prior to surgery or it may utilise a small “balloon” surgically inserted into the target area. A tissue expansion system is most often used with women undergoing a breast fat transfer as part of a breast reconstruction plan.

Breast fat transfer surgery typically begins with Dr Rizk performing liposuction on the designated “donor” area. This fat is removed, collected, and processed as needed to prepare it for the transfer. Usually, a topical or regional anesthetic will be used, depending on the extent of the area targeted by the liposuction. Once the donor fat is harvested, it is injected into the breasts according to your customised surgery plan.

Usually, small incisions are made to allow the tube (or “cannula”) to be inserted into the breast in various places. Multiple injection sites are typically used to evenly disperse the fat into the tissue and to create a well-sculpted final shape.

Sydney fat transfer breast augmentation patient model

Who is suitable for a fat transfer to breasts?

Fat transfer is an individualised procedure that may not be suitable for everyone. A lot of considerations are taken into account to determine if a patient is suitable for surgery for fat transfer to the breasts. Some of these include a stable weight, the correct skin tone, being healthy, and not being on certain medications.

Other considerations include determining the optimal location from which to transfer the fat. Good candidates will usually have another part of their body they would like to have sculpted as well. During your consultation, Dr Rizk will determine if fat transfer breast augmentation surgery is suitable for you, and he will explain the procedure in detail.

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Recovery from Breast Fat Transfer

The time required for recovery from breast fat transfer augmentation is typically two to three weeks but will vary for each individual patient. During the first week, you can expect to have swelling, bruising, and tenderness in your chest, as well as around the liposuction site.

You will want to follow Dr Rizk’s aftercare and pain management instructions closely, and he will discuss any questions or concerns you may have about your recovery process. You will need to avoid any strenuous work or activity during this time as your body heals.

In addition to providing aftercare instructions, Dr Rizk will also schedule any necessary follow-up visits where your recovery process can be evaluated, including the removal of any bandages or stitches as needed.

Your Breast Fat Transfer results

Following your recovery from your breast fat transfer augmentation, you should be able to notice the enhanced size, shape, and texture of your breasts. If one of the goals was to improve the symmetry between the breasts, this result should be readily visible as well.

Much of the long-term results depend on how your body responds to the grafted fat tissue. Sometimes, the transferred fat is reabsorbed by the body or it does not survive the graft. Dr Rizk will be able to determine if there are any adverse reactions during your follow-up appointments. In most cases, the grafted tissue is able to establish proper blood flow and function normally, and the desired results will last.

Learn more about Breast Fat Transfer in Sydney with a consultation with Dr Joseph Rizk

For more information, including the cost of fat transfer breast augmentation in Sydney, and if breast fat transfer is the correct procedure for you, request a consultation with Dr Joseph Rizk by completing the form above or calling us on 1300 707 007 during office hours.

*Dr Rizk advocates the National Law and Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) guidelines that any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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Sydney Plastic Surgeon Dr. Joseph Rizk My Face my body 2020 Award Winner Logo

Dr Joseph Rizk became Australasia’s plastic surgeon of the year by making sure that each patient is heard, respected, and treated well. His patient-first approach provides you with the accurate medical information you need to make informed decisions about your course of treatment. At the same time, he offers his decades of knowledge and experience to help you along your path.

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