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Gynaecomastia Surgery In Sydney

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Have you struck bad luck in the genetic lottery?

Has losing or gaining too much weight resulted in feminine looking “man breasts”? Gynaecomastia surgery can reduce your man boobs and give you back the masculine appearance you are after.

Gynaecomastia surgery can be performed through liposuction, which removes excess fatty tissues. One can also undergo surgical excision to remove excess glandular tissue and skin from the chest area. Offering years of expertise across plastic and reconstructive surgery, Dr. Rizk performs gynaecomastia surgery in Sydney for men of all ages and backgrounds. It can be performed as Day Surgery in an accredited facility and generally takes six weeks until full recovery (i.e., back at the gym).

What is Gynaecomastia?

What we know about male breast growth

Gynaecomastia is the development of the abnormal, non-cancerous growth of one or both breasts in men. The breasts can become enlarged or “feminized” in people experiencing the condition. This can lead to both physiological and emotional discomfort and distress.

The condition can present in a variety of ways, including excess skin and fat on the chest, enlarged tissues, and puffy nipples. Pointed nipples and drooping breasts may also be noticeable. While it may not be widely discussed, gynaecomastia is actually quite common. Newborns, teenagers, and older men are most commonly afflicted. The condition strikes as many as 35% of men during their lifetimes, with it affecting men aged 50 to 69 most frequently. Up to 70% of adolescent males may experience gynaecomastia, but this typically resolves naturally within two years.

Sydney gynaecomastia surgery patient in shirt

Causes of Gynaecomastia

There are a variety of medical issues that can lead to gynaecomastia, but they are alike in that they cause an imbalance between the hormones estrogen and androgen. This imbalance can be confirmed through diagnostic testing, but this is typically not required. Changes in hormones are normal throughout one’s lifetime, but a significant disruption can cause more substantial effects. The imbalance can be the result of physiological changes due to:

  • Puberty
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Declining testosterone production
  • Liver disease
  • Kidney failure
  • Thyroid disease
  • Tumors (cancerous or non-cancerous)
  • Chromosomal abnormalities (like Klinefelter syndrome)
  • Metabolic dysfunction
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Medications (like some used for the treatment of HIV, cancer, heartburn, and fungal infections)
  • Supplements (especially some derived from tea tree oils and lavender)

Diagnosis of the underlying condition is important to treat more serious health issues and ensure overall quality of life. However, even with proper treatment, gynaecomastia may persist.

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Am I a good candidate for Gynaecomastia Surgery?

The best candidates for gynaecomastia surgery include men who have tried other solutions but have had unsatisfactory results. They should be at a stable, healthy weight and free of any conditions that may interfere with the healing process.

Any serious underlying conditions (like liver disease, kidney failure, or cancer) should be dealt with first. It is important that candidates fully understand the procedure and its limitations. They also have realistic, healthy expectations for their outcome. Dr. Rizk advocates the National Law and Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) guidelines that any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

Gynaecomastia Surgery

Following your consultation with Dr. Rizk, your fully-customized treatment plan will outline the specific process you will undergo. The procedures may be performed utilising general anaesthesia, so it is advised that you have a trusted friend or family member available to drive you home once your procedure is finished. At Rizk Plastic Surgery in Sydney gynaecomastia surgery typically involves a combination of liposuction and excision surgery. Once excess fat is removed, the remaining skin and tissue will be adjusted and trimmed to fit the desired shape.

Sydney gynaecomastia patient

Gynaecomastia Surgery Recovery

Dr. Rizk will dress your incisions following your surgery and may provide you with a support garment. You should expect to experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort for the first week of your recovery.

The doctor may also employ a small tube to allow the drainage of excess blood or fluid from your reshaped chest. You will be given detailed aftercare instructions, and any medications needed will be prescribed before your procedure. Normal, daily activities can typically be resumed after three to five days, but you should avoid strenuous activities and exercise for four to six weeks. Dr. Rizk will schedule follow-up examinations to assess your progress throughout the healing process.

Schedule your Gynaecomastia Surgery consultation with Dr. Rizk today

Get your body back.

If you are considering male breast reduction surgery in Sydney, be sure to call Dr. Joseph Rizk Plastic Surgery today. Come visit Dr. Rizk in our Sydney plastic surgery clinic today for life-changing results with liposuction and liposculpture for both men and women. To find out if liposuction can help you achieve your body goals, contact us on 1300 707 007 to book a consultation with Dr. Joseph Rizk at his office in Sydney.

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Gynaecomastia FAQs

Enlarged breasts, puffy nipples, and other factors can denote the presence of gynaecomastia. It is important that you speak to your primary care physician to ascertain and treat any underlying conditions that may present more significant health risks.

Thousands of gynaecomastia surgeries are performed every year, and Dr. Rizk has extensive experience with the procedure. All of the risks will be covered during your consultation, but they include those typical of any surgical treatments:

  • Allergic reaction to anaesthesia
  • Infection
  • Changes in sensation
  • Poor healing
  • Scarring
  • Suboptimal results

Some medications can help treat gynaecomastia. Aromatese inhibitors, selective estrogen receptor modulators, and some applications of testosterone have shown to be effective. However, surgery is often still required to remove excess tissue that has already formed.

Your precise cost will be based on the extent of the surgery and the exact treatments outlined in your personalized treatment plan. Typically, the expense can range from $5,000 to $12,000.

Dr Joseph Rizk became Australasia’s plastic surgeon of the year by making sure that each patient is heard, respected, and treated well. His patient-first approach provides you with the accurate medical information you need to make informed decisions about your course of treatment. At the same time, he offers his decades of knowledge and experience to help you along your path.

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