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Liposuction In Sydney, New South Wales

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Reshape Your Body With Liposuction Surgery

Whether it be your genetic makeup or the natural process of aging.

You may find stubborn fat pockets on certain areas of your body that simply refuse to budge, no matter how hard you try to tone them. In cases like this, you may wish to consider liposuction, a popular cosmetic surgical procedure amongst men and women of all ages.

Dr. Joseph Rizk can help you achieve your personal body goals. Dr Rizk and our team of qualified professionals will discuss your needs and understand the body shape you envision.

What is Liposuction and Liposculpture?

Both men and women can achieve that desired, model-esque image through liposculpture, which involves strategically using liposuction to shape the body.

The most common areas for our Sydney liposuction are the stomach, thighs, and hips, although it can also be useful for areas such as the chin, neck, upper arms, knees, calves, and ankles too. Liposuction involves making small incisions in the affected area and using a small thin tube called a “cannula” to dislodge and suction out localized fat deposits from the body.

The procedures Dr Rizk performs will remove up to 2.5 liters of excess fat. This procedure works because it removes fat cells permanently, leaving you with a svelte and well-proportioned silhouette. Liposuction is suitable for:

  • Face — Facial fat can be especially immune to diet and exercise. Liposuction on the face can help reduce a bloated look around the cheeks and eyes. It can also be useful in eliminating the appearance of double-chin and neck rolls.
  • Calves — If you want your calves to look more toned and sculpted, liposuction may be able to help. Removing unnecessary fat deposits on the lower legs can help refine and complete your athletic appearance.
  • Hips — A consistent workout regimen and healthy diet often seem to miss the hips. Fat deposits there can be hard to eliminate, but liposuction can reduce “love handles” and bulges around the hips. This can help clothes fit more comfortably and give you a slimmer physique.
  • Abdomen — Excess belly fat is one of the most common reasons people seek out liposuction treatments. One procedure can slim and smooth your midsection, giving you the fit and healthy appearance you have been working toward.
  • Breasts — Breasts that are weighted down with excess fat or that look too big for your body can be reduced easily and safely with liposuction.
  • Thighs — Flabby, loose thighs can ruin an otherwise tone body. Extra fat is safely removed with liposuction, allowing your firm, strong upper leg muscles to shine through.
  • Knees — The area around the knees is often missed by typical workout plans. Many people turn to liposuction to make their knees match the toned look of the rest of their legs.
  • Upper arms — Noone wants flabby arms. Thanks to liposuction on the upper arms, your biceps and triceps can look fit and toned without intense workouts.
  • Ankles — It is common for people to feel that their ankles appear bloated or swollen (sometimes referred to as “cankles”). Liposuction can help reduce this effect and give your ankles the desired definition.

Liposuction is a very popular procedure and is considered very safe with a low complication rate — roughly 5%, and the majority of complications are relatively minor. The fat that is removed from the sculpted area of the body is typically gone for good, assuming you maintain a healthy diet and exercise.

liposuction patient model wearing a purple bra and panties

Benefits of Liposuction

We all have that little bit of excess fat that never disappears even with vigorous exercise and a strict diet regime. Liposculpture or liposuction is perfect in helping you achieve the shape you desire. People all over Sydney and the world have experienced the wonders of liposuction and liposculpture procedures. Men can also highly benefit from liposculpture through the reshaping of the contours of the body into a more aesthetic shape.

LIPOSUCTION VS. Abdominoplasty

Liposuction and a Abdominoplasty are distinct procedures. Both are often performed to enhance the appearance of the midsection, creating a smaller, tighter, and more toned stomach. However, there are significant differences between the two surgeries.

Abdominoplasty (also known as a “Abdominoplasty”) and liposuction are two separate surgical procedures performed to change the appearance of the midsection. Both of these procedures share the outcome of making your stomach look tighter, flatter, and smaller. Both are performed by plastic surgeons and considered cosmetic procedures, so aren’t likely going to be covered by insurance. There are some key differences between the two in terms of the actual procedure, recovery time, and risks.

While liposuction is invasive, a Abdominoplasty is an extensive surgical procedure. Liposuction may be used during the process to remove unwanted fat deposits, but a Abdominoplasty also incorporates a tightening of the abdominal muscles and the removal of excess skin. Recovery from a Abdominoplasty can take weeks and be painful, whereas, with liposuction alone, most patients can fully recover after about 14 days. If you are trying to determine if liposuction or a Abdominoplasty fits your needs the best, a caring and experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Rizk can help.


There are a variety of approaches to liposuction, although all involve the removal of adipose tissue through a tube (“cannula”) via suction (“aspirator”). The differences generally lie in additional tools or techniques used for the procedure. Some fit specific scenarios better than others, and Dr. Rizk can help you find the one that’s best for you during your consultation.

Tumescent liposuction

In the tumescent liposuction technique, a liquid solution is injected into the targeted fat to make it swollen and firm. The liquid typically includes epinephrine to restrict blood flow and a local anaesthetic like lidocaine. Once the tissue is treated, it can be easily removed with minimal bleeding. This approach is popular as larger volumes of fat can be extracted without requiring general anaesthesia.

Power-assisted liposuction

A specialized, vibrating cannula is utilized in power-assisted liposuction. A tumescent solution is typically used as well, but the vibrations speed the process of breaking down the fat tissue. This technique requires less force from the surgeon and allows for greater fat removal. Thus the procedure typically takes less time to complete while also causing less trauma to the surrounding tissue and speeding recovery.

Water-assisted liposuction

In this approach, the excess adipose tissue is broken down and dislodged using a fan-shaped spray of water. Like in the tumescent procedure, the liquid includes an anaesthetic, but it is sprayed into the tissue rather than being injected before the procedure. The specially-designed cannula both applies the solution and suctions out the fat.

Radiofrequency-assisted liposuction

A radiofrequency (RF)-emitting cannula is used in this method. This RF energy can help break down the fat tissue while also stimulating collagen production in the skin. In the end, patients can experience tighter, firmer skin in the treated area once healing is complete.

Ultrasound-assisted liposuction

This technique combines ultrasound therapy with tumescent liposuction. First, an ultrasonic device is used to pre-treat the targeted fat subcutaneously, beginning the dislocation process before an incision is made. Then, tumescent liposuction is performed on the treatment area to remove the excess fat tissue. This approach is especially helpful in areas where fat is more difficult to remove, like the hips or back, or in the treatment of gynaecomastia.

Laser-assisted liposuction

In laser-assisted liposuction, a laser device is employed to coagulate fat cells before being suctioned out. This allows for a quicker procedure and more efficient removal of the adipose tissue, and it can also stimulate collagen production in the skin, creating a tightening effect as well.

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Your Liposuction Procedure

Liposuction is performed as a one-day operation, meaning you can expect to be back at home on the day of your treatment. However, you might be in some pain after your surgery, so it is recommended that you have someone with you. Keep in mind that Dr. Rizk customizes each procedure to the desires and needs of each patient, so the exact process you undergo will vary. The procedure is usually done under sedation in the clinic, which means you will be under twilight sedation for the entire procedure. Dr. Rizk will then make one or more incisions in the skin of the targeted area to allow the cannula to enter the body.

Fat will then be suctioned from the body, with Dr Rizk moves the device around the targeted region to remove the stubborn fat cells evenly. In some cases, an additional technique may be employed to efficiently break up the fat like a vibrating cannula. As it is broken up, the fat is then siphoned through the tube into a container, where it can be disposed of or used when liposuction is performed as part of a fat transfer procedure. Depending on the scope of your liposuction procedure, Dr. Rizk may repeat this process through multiple incisions to effectively target and remove the fat from the entire area as desired.

Am I a Candidate for Liposuction?

In general, good candidates for liposuction procedures are generally in good health, are non-smokers, and don’t have any serious medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes, or any kind of infection. Dr. Rizk explains more about who makes the best candidates in this short video: In addition to being in good physical health, a good liposuction candidate is also in a good mental state. While liposuction can yield amazing results, it’s not a “miracle cure.” Good candidates will have realistic expectations about the procedure and know that liposuction alone can’t solve any self-esteem or body image issues they may have. Dr Rizk advocates the National Law and Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) guidelines that any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

Your Recovery from Liposuction

Following your liposuction or liposculpture procedure, you can expect significant swelling, bruising, and tenderness over the entire affected area. Dr Rizk will provide you with instructions and a prescription for any pain and antibiotic medicine you will need during your recovery. It is very important that you follow these instructions closely to help your recovery go smoothly and to realise the most optimal results.

You should probably expect to rest for a day or two following your operation and allow for at least four to six weeks of healing before you resume typical activities, including exercise. Make sure to protect your incision sites from impact or abrasive movement as this will minimise the chance of complications. It may be necessary for Dr Rizk to insert a small tube to allow for drainage, so he will schedule any follow-up visits to remove the tube or stitches, if necessary.

After surgery, you will need to wear a compression garment for approximately four weeks for support and to reduce swelling and bruising. The incisions are small and typically hidden in the natural creases. After several months, swelling should fully subside, revealing your slimmer, firmer contours.

Your Liposuction Results

The targeted area will be noticeably more toned and you may even be able to readily see more muscle definition. While liposuction permanently removes excess fat cells, it cannot prevent new fat from being deposited.

This means regular exercise and a balanced diet are critical for keeping your results long-term. Also, liposuction cannot improve skin elasticity, so your results will depend on how resilient your skin is. During your consultation process, Dr Rizk will talk through all of the potential benefits and limitations you can expect. He wants you to be comfortable at every step of the process, so he will always address any concerns or questions you may have.

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Other body plastic surgery performed by Dr. Rizk

In terms of body surgery, Dr Rizk offers a variety of procedures. These include:

Learn more about liposculpture and liposuction in Sydney from a consultation with Dr. Joseph Rizk

If you're looking for a way to permanently remove excess, unwanted fat with liposuction Sydney plastic surgeon, Dr. Rizk, has the know-how, experience, and skill to achieve remarkable, life-changing results for both men and women. To find out if liposuction can help you achieve your body goals, contact us on 1300 707 007 to book a consultation with Dr. Joseph Rizk at his office for plastic surgery in Sydney.

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Liposuction FAQs

The cost of liposuction will depend on the extent of your treatment plan. Typically though, expenses start at around $3500. If you have large areas or multiple zones that you want to be treated, you can expect costs to be higher.

How much weight you lose will depend on the size of the area treated. Dr. Rizk will remove up to 2.5 litres of fat during a single liposuction treatment. Because fat weighs approximately 900 grams per litre, this equates to 2.25 kilograms of weight removed in one treatment, but multiple treatments will remove more.

The positive effects of your liposuction treatment will last as long as you can keep the fat deposits from reforming. Your liposuction results could last for many years with a healthy diet and committed exercise.

As with any invasive procedure, it is possible for scars to form after liposuction. However, the incisions made are very small, and you will be provided with detailed aftercare instructions to help minimize the risk of scar formation.

Dr Joseph Rizk became Australasia’s plastic surgeon of the year by making sure that each patient is heard, respected, and treated well. His patient-first approach provides you with the accurate medical information you need to make informed decisions about your course of treatment. At the same time, he offers his decades of knowledge and experience to help you along your path.

DOUBLE BAY, Suite 3.01, Level 3, 451 New South Head Road, Double Bay NSW 2028

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