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Dermal Fillers and Anti-wrinkle Injections In Sydney, New South Wales

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Simple Steps For a Youthful Face

Over the years, repeated facial movements create lines in the skin similar to a piece of paper that has been folded over and over. When you’re young your skin bounces back into place, but as you get older, collagen and elastin production decline and the lines may become deeper and more obvious.

What are anti-wrinkle injections?

Anti-wrinkle injections help treat wrinkles that are caused by the continual contraction of facial muscles. They contain a special protein that when injected into a muscle, stops the muscle from contracting.

This causes the muscle to relax and once that happens, your lines will become less and less noticeable. When done properly everyone will notice that you look younger. These treatments can successfully reduce the appearance of wrinkles on your forehead, “crow’s feet” or “laugh lines” around your eyes, or creases around your mouth.

Some people have concerns about the possible adverse effects of these treatments. However, it’s only when administered incorrectly that you end up looking stiff and unnatural. When you’re researching where to get your Sydney anti-wrinkle injections, make sure you only consider qualified and experienced injectors.

Sydney injectables feature image of a model with brown hair and brown eyes

What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers (also more commonly known as “anti-wrinkle injections” too) are one of the most highly sought-after cosmetic procedures taking years off a person’s face making them look more vibrant, youthful, and full of confidence. Whereas true anti-wrinkle injections relax the underlying muscles, dermal fillers are designed to fill in the wrinkles around your face. They can also be used to add volume to parts of your face and to create fuller-looking lips.

Depending on your condition and the results you are seeking with injectables Sydney plastic surgeon Dr Rizk may recommend one or the other of these treatments for you. In some cases, a combination of procedures is the best course of action. Dr Rizk will work with you to customise a plan that answers all of your concerns and meets your specific needs.

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Benefits of anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers

Wrinkles, facial lines, and loose skin — the dreaded triad of signs of ageing. These unsightly features are a result of the stresses of life.

The damaging rays of the sun coupled with gravity, loss of collagen, and loss of skin elasticity all have a negative effect on facial contours and volume. These lines are usually seen on the forehead, between the eyebrows, and around the eyes and can make someone look years older than they actually are.

Anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers aid in rejuvenating damaged or aged skin to restore its youthful, tight appearance, eliminating facial lines and wrinkles. This gives your face the rejuvenated, youthful appearance and volume you desire.

Am I a candidate for
anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers?

Anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers are excellent options for men and women who want to minimize lines on their face and significantly reduce the signs of ageing they see when they look in the mirror.

While they may be in any stage of life, good candidates generally will be in good health overall and be in a good state of mind. Good candidates will not have serious medical concerns including:

  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Compromised immune system response
  • Active infections or a history of infections
  • Active skin conditions, including infections or acne

Dr Rizk advocates the National Law and Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) guidelines that any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks.

Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner. Although there are different brand names of dermal fillers, it’s actually against Australian regulations to name them. If you decide to have a consultation with us, you’ll have each of your options explained to you. Feel confident in your skin and improve your quality of life with Dr Rizk’s tailored anti-wrinkle injections at our Sydney clinic.

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Your anti-wrinkleand dermal filler procedure

Each treatment Dr Rizk performs is completely customised to the unique needs of each patient. During your Sydney injectables consultation process, Dr Rizk will talk through your options, explain the risks and benefits of each, and collaborate with you to determine the procedure that you’re most comfortable with and has the best shot at getting you the results you’re looking for.

The exact procedure you undergo will determine the specific treatment process you experience. Again, Dr Rizk’s recommendations will be based on several factors, including your age, overall health condition, your skin’s resilience, the severity of the issues to be treated, and your desired outcomes.

Anti-wrinkle Injections

The treatment itself generally only takes about 15-20 minutes.

Most patients can receive anti-wrinkle injections without topical anesthesia and report only mild, pricking pain. topical anesthesia with ice or other agents may be beneficial to decrease pain associated with injections if requested.

Dermal Fillers

This treatment can be as short as 15 minutes for limited applications or as long as an hour for more extensive procedures. Topical anesthesia or another mild numbing technique can be used as needed.

The filler is then injected, massaged, and evaluated. If necessary, additional filler is applied. This process is then repeated, usually at several places around the area to be treated. Doing so allows for an even distribution of the filler across the target zone, which produces a balanced, natural appearance.

Sydney injectables model with wet hair and rain drops on her face

What to expect for your anti-wrinkle injection and dermal filler recovery

Because these treatments are so minimally invasive, the recovery is generally quick and relatively painless. You may experience some slight swelling and tenderness depending on the extent of your procedure. However, these symptoms are usually easily managed with simple things like a cold compress, and medication is rarely needed. It is advisable to avoid using the muscles underlying the areas treated as much as possible.

This can be the most difficult part of recovery. In many cases, it can mean refraining from frowning, furrowing your brow, laughing, and smiling. You should also take care to protect your skin as it heals and adjusts to its new condition. This means avoiding strenuous activity and sunlight during your recovery.

Additional Reading

Some effects you may experience in the first week or so can include:

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Numbness
  • Bumps at or near injection sites
  • Hypersensitivity including hives and swelling

All of these are normal and should dissipate within a few days. If you experience sharp pain or any of the symptoms are prolonged, contact Dr Rizk for advice and care. However, contact emergency medical services immediately if any of your side effects are severe or life-threatening. Before you leave after your procedure, Dr Rizk will provide you with the instructions you need for aftercare. Follow them closely to realize the most optimal results for you.

Your anti-wrinkle injection and dermal filler results

The results you experience will be highly dependent on your body’s response to the treatments and the type of treatment you choose. In either case, you will see a significant, positive change in appearance and texture in the treated area.

Wrinkles and fine lines will be noticeably reduced or possibly eliminated. You can also expect your skin to look firmer and more vibrant, resulting in your face having an overall more youthful appearance.Treatments tend to last between six months and two years, depending on a few factors such as the choice of filler used. If your plan includes multiple treatments, Dr Rizk will schedule these following your first procedure.

The persistence of your results will be highly dependent on your ability to maintain good health overall — including a balanced diet and regular exercise — and your diligence in protecting your skin — including skincare products and sunscreen. These steps will help you maintain your youthful appearance as much as possible for a lifetime.

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Other non-surgical procedures performed by Dr Rizk

As an award-winning Sydney plastic surgeon Dr Rizk offers a variety of non-surgical procedures. These include:

Learn more about dermal fillers and anti-wrinkle injections in Sydney in a consultation with Dr Joseph Rizk

To determine whether dermal fillers or anti-wrinkle injections are the right solutions for your needs, call us on 1300 707 007 and book a personal consultation with Dr Rizk at White Hill Clinic in Sydney today.

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Dr Joseph Rizk became Australasia’s plastic surgeon of the year by making sure that each patient is heard, respected, and treated well. His patient-first approach provides you with the accurate medical information you need to make informed decisions about your course of treatment. At the same time, he offers his decades of knowledge and experience to help you along your path.

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