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CO2 Fractional Laser Treatments In Sydney

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Laser Your Way to Clearer Skin

Are you self-conscious about an uneven complexion, sun damage, wrinkles, or scars?

Do you have splotchy or damaged skin? Treatment with a CO2 fractional laser (CO2RE) – now considered the optimum approach for laser cosmetic surgery

may help to eliminate lines and wrinkles around the eyes, lips, forehead, cheeks, legs, and any other part of your body where you want clearer skin. Dr Joseph Rizk, an experienced Plastic Surgeon in Sydney, specializes in the use of laser resurfacing to rejuvenate skin that shows signs of damage due to aging, sun exposure, or scarring.

What is CO2 fractional laser treatment?

Laser skin resurfacing is also known as CO2 fractional laser treatment.

It is a non-surgical treatment for individuals who want to restore or improve their skin texture, remove deep acne scars or increase the thickness and firmness of their skin.

Modern skin conditions such as pigment discoloration, wrinkles, and skin texture irregularities may be treated successfully with noticeable improvement after the brief swelling, redness, fresher-looking and possible peeling subsides.

At our clinic in Sydney laser skin resurfacing involves the removal of the damaged top layer of the skin. By removing the layer with blemishes, scars, and marks, the skin appears renewed and fresh.

However, the effectiveness of fractional laser treatment varies and is based on the current skin condition of the individual. If you want smoother, clearer skin and a more refined even skin tone, book a CO2 fractional laser consultation with Dr Rizk and his cosmetic professionals today.

CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing

Am I a candidate for CO2 fractional laser treatment?

As with all cosmetic procedures, good candidates should be in generally good health and not have any potentially dangerous medical conditions, especially autoimmune disorders or a weakened immune system.

If you often have cold sores or are prone to outbreaks of the Herpes virus, you should also be cautious. Scars, age spots, and lines and wrinkles are good targets for laser treatment, but acne can be problematic. Make sure you let Dr Rizk know if you have current acne problems or have taken any acne medication in the past year. Laser skin resurfacing may not be suitable for those who have undergone radiation therapy recently because the skin may still be healing.

Also, if you are prone to scarring, are pregnant or breastfeeding, or are someone with a darker skin complexion this may not be the right treatment for you. In addition to medical concerns, good candidates will also be in a good mental state. They will fully understand the procedure, be aware of the risks it carries, and have realistic expectations for the results of their procedure.

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Benefits of CO2 fractional laser treatment

Compared with more invasive laser resurfacing devices, a fractional laser only affects a fraction of the skin, delivering tiny pinpoints of laser light to the targeted area. Treatment with a CO2 fractional laser leaves healthy skin within the treated zone, allowing faster healing and reduced recovery time.

Among other things, CO2 fractional laser treatment can improve the appearance of:

  • Age spots
  • Sun damage
  • Lines and wrinkles
  • Scarring (including acne scarring)
  • Uneven complexions and pigmentation

Enjoy younger, fresher-looking skin with CO2 fractional laser treatment at our Sydney practice today. Here are some images that will show you the difference skin resurfacing with a fractional laser by Dr Rizk can make:

Sydney skin resurfacing patient before and after photo

Why book your laser skin resurfacing treatmentsat Dr Joseph Rizk Plastic Surgery in Sydney?

Using fractional laser treatment Sydney plastic surgeon Dr Joseph Rizk can precisely target your skin’s surface, middle, and deep dermal layers, meaning:

  • better results
  • faster healing
  • reduced recovery time
  • treatments tailored to your skin type and complaint

Laser resurfacing with a fractional CO2 laser can be tailored to suit your skin type and will leave you with younger-looking, smoother, and softer skin.

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What to expect in your CO2 fractional laser treatment recovery

Following your procedure, you can expect to be caring for your new skin for at least two weeks. You will probably experience significant redness, swelling, and irritation on your treated skin. Dr Rizk will apply ointment and bandages as needed — he may even use a water- and air-tight dressing if needed.

Dr Rizk will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions, but, in general, you may want to use an over-the-counter pain relief remedy to lessen discomfort and cold presses to reduce swelling. You should avoid using skincare products, including sunscreen, that may irritate your healing skin. If any follow-up appointments are necessary to check on your progress, Dr Rizk will schedule them. And keep in mind that the redness may last several months, but this is normal. Your skin is regrowing and healing after treatment, so patience is key.

Your CO2 fractional laser treatment results

You will notice much clearer skin once your redness and swelling completely go away. Your skin tone should look even and balanced over the treated area. If you were getting treatment for spots or scars, they should be significantly reduced or even eliminated.

Depending on how well you protect your skin in the treated area from new damage, your CO2 fractional laser treatment results can last for years. Make sure to always keep your skin well hydrated and to apply sunscreen before exposing your skin to the elements. Following the instructions Dr Rizk gives you for proper care will be key to maintaining your new, healthy skin for years to come.

Learn more about CO2 fractional laser treatments for skin resurfacing in Sydney in a consultation with Dr Joseph Rizk

If you want to explore your options and discover if CO2 fractional laser treatments have the answers you’re looking for, contact Dr Rizk’s office in Sydney today! His expert team will set up an appointment and guide you in the right direction.

For more information, request a consultation with Dr Rizk by completing the form above or calling the office at 1300 707 007, Monday – Friday, 9.00 am – 5.00 pm.

Sydney fractional laser treatment feature image of a model laying down

Your CO2 fractional laser treatment procedure

Before your actual surgery, Dr Rizk may ask you to take several steps to prepare. Keep in mind that each procedure he performs is customised to the specific needs of each patient, so your exact procedure may vary from this summary.

If you smoke, you will be asked to stop for at least two weeks before your procedure. You may be prescribed antiviral medication if you have a history of infections. You should prepare your skin by avoiding unprotected exposure to sunlight, meaning you should make sure to keep the area you will have treated covered at all times when in the sun. Dr Rizk will give you exact instructions to follow to be best prepared for your treatment.

CO2 fractional laser treatments are done as an outpatient procedure, which means you’ll be able to go home on the day of your procedure. Depending on the extent of your treatment, Dr Rizk may have to use a general anesthetic so you will need to plan for someone to give you a ride home, but Dr Rizk will let you know beforehand if that is necessary.

Additional Reading

For more limited procedures, you will just be given a topical or regional anesthetic. After the appropriate amount of numbing or sedation is given, the light show begins. A CO2 fractional laser uses small but intense bursts of light to burn the outer layer of your damaged skin. The laser beams are carefully focused so they only destroy the damaged skin and avoid your healthy skin as much as possible. While the heat from the light energy obliterates the damaged skin above, the heat stimulates the lower layers of your skin to produce collagen, which improves your skin’s firmness and texture. Depending on the extent of your treatment, the procedure can take between one and three hours, but — assuming your body responds well — you should be able to go home and begin recovery in almost every case.

Sydney laser treatment model running her hand through her hair

Other non-surgical procedures performed by Dr Rizk

In terms of Non-Surgical Procedures, Sydney offers a variety of procedures under Dr Rizk. These include:

Dr Rizk advocates the National Law and Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) guidelines that any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

Dr Joseph Rizk became Australasia’s plastic surgeon of the year by making sure that each patient is heard, respected, and treated well. His patient-first approach provides you with the accurate medical information you need to make informed decisions about your course of treatment. At the same time, he offers his decades of knowledge and experience to help you along your path.

DOUBLE BAY, Suite 3.01, Level 3, 451 New South Head Road, Double Bay NSW 2028

STANMORE, SHOP 1, 2-6 Bridge Road, Stanmore NSW 2048