1300 707 007

Fat-Dissolving InjectionsIn Sydney, New South Wales

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The trained aestheticians at White Hill Clinic in Sydney are equipped with the latest treatments for minimally invasive fat reduction procedures. Our highly-trained team is ready to introduce you to your options and help you toward a svelte, youthful look.

What are fat-dissolving injections?

Also called “injection lipolysis”, fat-dissolving injections are the technique of injecting certain chemical compounds that target and liquefy fat cells into problem spots on the body.

Most often, people use fat-dissolving injections to tackle areas that the effects of exercise and diet tend to miss, areas like the neck, chin, and lower eyelids. The process uses micro-injections and is usually done over the course of several treatments.

While fat-dissolving injections are still relatively new on the cosmetic surgery scene. Dr Rizk and his staff at White Hill Clinic have studied their use and performed numerous treatments with them. They understand the procedure very well, are informed about the potential risks, and are more than willing to pass this knowledge on to you. Your care and comfort are of primary importance to us, so we always want you to feel confident in going forward with any treatment we perform.

Sydney fat dissolving injections model with blonde hair looking down

Benefits of fat-dissolving injections

Many benefits come with our Sydney fat-dissolving injections that make them a great option for almost anyone with stubborn fat. First off, because injection lipolysis procedures are minimally invasive, there is typically only very minor pain associated with the procedure and only topical anesthetics are sufficient. With more involved fat-removal techniques like liposuction or tuck/lift procedures, incisions, surgical procedures, and sutures are required.

Another benefit of choosing a minimally invasive procedure is that it requires a lot less time than surgical methods. In most cases, patients require little to no recovery time. The procedures themselves can be performed in less than an hour, so you will be home the same day. In addition, fat-dissolving injections cost less than other invasive surgical options. A typical surgical option will incur several thousand dollars of expenses, versus a fraction of that for injection lipolysis procedures. While the results will not be as dramatic as liposuction or a surgical procedure, injection lipolysis is great for refining your look or adding finishing touches, and the results are generally more natural-looking.

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Fat-dissolving injection procedure

All of our injection lipolysis procedures are done at the White Hill Clinic. While your procedure will be fully customised to your needs, you will usually only need a light, local anesthetic on the targeted area.

Once your skin has been numbed, our injectors then proceed to place the injectables under your skin in several places. This is to ensure the even distribution of the reaction and enable more natural-looking results.

In most cases, this process is repeated over multiple visits. We will schedule your visits to fit your lifestyle with your treatment plan. The number of visits necessary will depend on the injectable chosen, the size of the area to be treated, and your specific needs.


Anyone interested in non-surgical options for removing fat may be a good candidate for fat-dissolving injections, this can include people who have excess fat in the following areas:

  • Neck
  • Chin
  • Jawline
  • Lower eyelids

The fat-dissolving injections treatment doesn’t remove excess skin, so it may not be right for people with loose or saggy skin. Also, heart or circulatory problems can cause complications, so the best candidates are free of any serious medical conditions.

Finally, good candidates fully understand the procedure and have realistic expectations for their results. Dr Rizk asks that you get a second opinion from another reputable healthcare provider, in accordance with the National Law and Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) guidelines. All cosmetic procedures carry risks, so it’s recommended to get a second opinion before proceeding.

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Your recovery from fat-dissolving injections

Because injection lipolysis is so mild, you can expect your recovery from each treatment to be relatively quick.

It is normal for there to be some swelling in the treated area as the fat dissolves and is displaced by the body. After fat-dissolving injections Sydney patients can experience slight tenderness around the injection sites, but it is generally so mild that pain medication is not needed.

There are complications that can arise with fat-dissolving injections depending on how your body reacts to the process. Dr Rizk will cover all of these risks with you and let you know what to be on the lookout for. If you have any questions or concerns, you can call us at White Hill Clinic for assistance.

Your Fat-Dissolving Injection Results

Your results should be obviously visible after the swelling recedes within six to eight weeks after your final treatment. Your fatty deposits should be visibly reduced, and any associated rolls or creases should be eliminated.

Fat-dissolving injections are great for removing existing fat, but they cannot prevent the accumulation of new fat deposits. That means it’s critical for you to maintain your healthy diet and regular exercise routine to enable your results to last for the long term.

Consult Dr Rizk about fat-dissolving injectionsin Sydney at White Hill Clinic

If you’re ready to find out if fat-dissolving injections are right for you, schedule a consultation with renowned Sydney plastic surgeon Dr Joseph Rizk today! White Hill Clinic in Sydney is your home for the latest in cosmetic treatments all performed for you in a comfortable, luxurious setting. You can complete the consultation request form on this page, or call us on 1300 707 007, Monday – Friday, 9.00 am – 5.00 pm.

Dr Rizk advocates the National Law and Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) guidelines that any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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Dr Joseph Rizk became Australasia’s plastic surgeon of the year by making sure that each patient is heard, respected, and treated well. His patient-first approach provides you with the accurate medical information you need to make informed decisions about your course of treatment. At the same time, he offers his decades of knowledge and experience to help you along your path.

DOUBLE BAY, Suite 3.01, Level 3, 451 New South Head Road, Double Bay NSW 2028

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